Young children should not sleep with their grandparents for very scientific reasons; this will be beneficial to both of them.RITA

“Should children sleep with their grandparents?” When it comes to this question, perhaps many parents are confused, wondering why the elderly cannot sleep with children, whether it is due to prejudice or some other factor.

Actually, the answer to the above question is no. The reason is explained by the following 3 factors:

1. Not beneficial to the parent-child relationship
Night is the time when a child needs to feel safe with their parents the most. If for some reason, children are forced to sleep with their grandparents a lot, they tend to gradually distance themselves from their parents. This is of course not beneficial to the relationship between parents and children.

If there is no connection between parents and children, the child will later be difficult to teach.

Không phải mê tín nhưng nếu muốn tốt cho con mình, bố mẹ không nên để trẻ ngủ với ông bà vì những lý do này - Ảnh 1.

It’s not superstitious, but if you want the best for your children, parents should not let them sleep with their grandparents for these reasons
Children sleeping a lot with their grandparents is not beneficial for their relationship with their parents.

2. Not good for children’s health
The older a person gets, the functions of the body’s organs will weaken, especially the lungs. The mucous membrane in the nose has the function of filtering dirt. As the body ages, this function will gradually decline, not beneficial for gas exchange. Furthermore, the respiratory mucosa also ages and shrinks, bronchial secretions are difficult to expel, and exhaled air will have a characteristic odor.

Therefore, when you are near the elderly, you will feel that their exhalation has an unpleasant odor. If children sleep regularly with their grandparents, they will easily inhale this gas, which is completely unhealthy.

Không phải mê tín nhưng nếu muốn tốt cho con mình, bố mẹ không nên để trẻ ngủ với ông bà vì những lý do này - Ảnh 2.

It’s not superstitious, but if you want the best for your children, parents should not let them sleep with their grandparents for these reasons
Sleeping with grandparents is not good for children’s breathing.

Besides, even though the elderly regularly clean and bathe, their bodies still have a characteristic odor. Actually, this smell is diacetyl. The skin of the elderly is often rough, fragile, and easily peeled, creating conditions for bacteria and bugs to grow on the sebum layer of the skin. This causes the elderly’s skin to have a naturally unpleasant odor.

Adults exposed to the flaky skin of the elderly usually have no problems. However, for young children, their skin is fragile and their resistance is weak. If unfortunately, bugs and bacteria transmitted through the skin will easily cause hives and itching.

3. Affects children’s sleep quality
Older people often sleep less, have difficulty falling asleep, wake up many times during the night and wake up quite early. This can significantly affect the quality of children’s sleep.

You also know that, during the period of child development, sleep quality is very important, it contributes to the secretion of growth hormone. If the grandparents’ movements cause the child to not sleep deeply, tossing and turning many times, that is absolutely not beneficial for the child. It not only causes mental stress for children but also hinders height growth.

Không phải mê tín nhưng nếu muốn tốt cho con mình, bố mẹ không nên để trẻ ngủ với ông bà vì những lý do này - Ảnh 3.

It’s not superstitious, but if you want the best for your children, parents should not let them sleep with their grandparents for these reasons
Sleeping with grandparents can affect children’s sleep quality.

In addition, elderly people often care more about their children and grandchildren, often observing their smallest movements while sleeping, such as touching their hands and feet to see if they are cold. Although this is good for children, it also makes the elderly more tired and also disturbs children’s sleep.

In short, for the good of the grandparents and the child, parents should not let their children sleep together. In certain situations, busy parents can ask grandparents to take care of their grandchildren for a few meals, but absolutely do not let the children sleep often. Although preventing grandparents from sleeping with their children and grandchildren may cause some emotional troubles, it is completely good for both parties and parents should consider carefully.

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