Trapped by immobility, he tries to crawl approach a kind stranger offering food as a helping hand, tears streaming down his cheeks.

Homeless animals face numerous challenges. Finding appropriate shelter, food, and safe drinking water is difficult enough. This is perilous for healthy strays, but image what it would be like for a paralysed dog! It’d be impossible. Despite his infirmity, a dog named Kuya Bon tried to survive. He was abandoned after his owner judged him unusable following a car accident.

Kuya Bon’s heartless owner couldn’t be bothered with such a needy dog. He evicted him from the only home he’d ever known. He had been on the streets for a long time until he was discovered by a caring individual. He had to deal with a lot of rainy days, especially during monsoon season. It’s a miracle he’s still alive.

A kind woman noticed the dog from a distance and went to get a bowl of food for Kuya Bon. She approached him and placed the bowl down. She was interested in seeing how awful his legs were. Despite his difficulties, Kuya Bon slithered to the bowl of food and gleefully ate. The woman recognised that he required immediate veterinary treatment. She would use her own money to assist him

The woman phoned a local rescuer while waiting for Kuya Bon to take x-rays. She begged for his assistance because she couldn’t maintain Kuya Bon and he didn’t belong back on the streets. The rescuer concurred. Kuya Bon is healing at the vet clinic as we speak. It’s unclear where he’ll wind up, but one thing is certain: he’ll never be on the streets again! Please scroll down to see Kuya Bon’s rescue. We are overjoyed that he is now secure.

Watch this gripping but comforting video after the jump. Make sure to SHARE with a friend or family member!

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