The terrifying tale of a courageous dog battling a massive tumor, edging away from a peaceful end, and embracing an endless life of optimism and resiliency

Sadly, owner-surrenders are fairly frequent in shelters nationwide. People return or abandon their dogs for numerous reasons, ranging from children’s allergies to financial difficulties to housing that won’t allow pets to plain callousness.

Despite this often happening condition, a Dallas area rescue was astonished when a pup called Hattie was surrendered. Hattie’s owners took her to a local shelter in 2018, and at the time, she had a large tumor developing on her left side.

Apparently, the large growth had been building for the preceding two years, and nothing had been done about it. Dallas DogRRR – Rescue.Rehab. Reform took Hattie into their care, intending to offer her a shot at a better life.

A Risky But Miraculous Surgery

Obviously, the rescue understood they needed to have this lump removed. They took Hattie to Vet Ranch, an organization that offers veterinarian care for abandoned animals.

The added weight on her side damaged Hattie’s legs and her ability to walk. Dr. Karri from Vet Ranch was concerns about the blood vessels and muscle on that side. Still, Hattie retained a charming disposition. Before surgery, Dr. Karri shared:

“It’s just so terrible to me that she’s accustomed to simply coping with this.”

Incredibly, the veterinarians were able to remove the huge tumor, which eventually weighed 15 pounds. That’s roughly half of the dog’s body weight!

Hattie’s body had some adapting to do, but the tough and happy-go-lucky dog got it through! She even had a foster waiting for her on the other side. Hattie was finally adopted later in December of 2018.

Vet Ranch has a video of her surgery and recovery process if you have the stomach for it:

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