The portrayed instances of protracted and challenging labor during childbirth resonate deeply with many understanding mothers.

Dania is a professional maternity photographer and mother of four. She and her husband are the ones behind all the photos that can be seen on the Lauren and Douglas Instagram profile. The couple says about the name they chose for their brand: “The name ‘Lauren and Douglas’ came about 15 years ago when we put our middle names side by side and thought if we did something our own one day it would be a cool business name.” Both love to photograph the “raw beauty of life,” as they say. Dania deals with newborn and childbirth photography.

On the profile of the couple, you can see wonderful and real photos of childbirth, mothers holding their baby for the first time, the first breastfeeding, and portraits of newborns. In 2022, one of Dania’s photos won first prize in a competition for the best birth photos in the “Details of Birth” category. In the same competition, first place was taken by Anne Lucy from Brazil with the photo entitled “The most important love in the world.” A mother has just given birth to her child and takes him in her arms for the first time, crying with joy and emotion.

All of Dania’s photos stand out because they capture emotions and the true beauty of birth.

In the following gallery, we have collected some of those that we singled out in her profile.

Newborn with fetal sebum in his mom’s arms.

Mom, dad and baby in the hottest snap.

Mom with her newborn baby in her arms.

Many of Dania’s photos are in black and white.

The moments after giving birth in the water.

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