The multi-legged bird startled online users, and the heartwarming tale that followed stunned them even more (VIDEO) RITA

A photographer has captured the beautiful moment a devoted father bird hides his chicks from danger – by bundling the tiny flock under his feathers.

The stunning snaps show a fluffy African Jacana scooping up his young after he senses danger – leaving just the youngsters’ legs dangling out of his feathers.

They were taken by Jose Fragozo, from Johannesburg, South Africa, in Kruger National Park in his native country.

As I approached the bird, curiosity consumed me. How could a bird have so many legs? I soon discovered that these legs were not its own, but rather belonged to the young chicks it was carrying beneath its belly. This peculiar bird was none other than a mature bird caring for its offspring in a unique and extraordinary manner.

The species I encountered was known as the “multi-legged bird” or scientifically, “Avianus multipes.” Native to a remote island in the Pacific Ocean, these birds had evolved a remarkable adaptation to ensure the survival of their young. Instead of building nests or relying on traditional parenting methods, the adult birds incubated and nurtured their chicks by carrying them on their legs.

It was a heartwarming sight to behold. Each leg of the adult bird was carefully positioned to support and protect the growing chicks. The chicks nestled comfortably in the warmth and security of their parent’s embrace. The legs had developed specialized structures, resembling small baskets, to hold and cradle the chicks, ensuring they remained safe during their vulnerable early stages of life.

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