The Indian boy has two giant arms, each weighing 5kg, making his daily activities more dіffісᴜɩt than normal people, making everyone who sees them heartbroken.

In a remote village in India, a remarkable teenager named Ravi is facing a unique and challenging condition that has left him with gigantic arms, each weighing a staggering 5 kilograms.

This unusual medical anomaly has made his daily life a constant struggle.

Ravi was born with a rare congenital disorder that has caused his arms to grow abnormally large.

His immense arms limit his mobility, making even the simplest tasks a daunting challenge. Getting dressed, eating, and completing basic self-care routines are incredibly arduous for him.

Despite these challenges, Ravi remains determined and optimistic. He dreams of a future where he can overcome his condition and lead a normal life.

He has the support of his loving family, who are doing their best to provide him with the care and resources he needs.

Ravi’s story serves as a reminder of the resilience and strength that individuals can possess in the face of adversity. While he faces significant obstacles, his unwavering spirit and the support of his family continue to inspire those around him.

Efforts are being made to connect Ravi with medical specialists who can provide him with the care and assistance required to improve his quality of life, making his dream of leading a more normal life a possibility.

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