The destitute dog subsists on chicken droppings. But since her body is covered in thousands of ticks, death is what is ahead for her.

We got a report call for help a poor dog at a chemical factory. The workers said she is a stray dog living there for couple of years and she was waiting to die soon or later.

The dog is so scared to people no one can reach near her..

After 2 hours l’ve managed to catch her..she is in a terrible condition

We are rushing to the Vet now..

After blood test the results pretty bad. she’s having a hug ears infection, which start from otitis to her skin is so bad

She will remain under treatment and infusion at the clinic. It is very challenging as it was her first wash in her life!

In the end with much love, care and patient, all went well. Gradually, her emanciated body started to gain weight. And her once- bare skin was covered with a soft, lustrous coat of fur.

No longer the frail, fragile she once was, she blossom into a beautiful dog. My heart is absolutely melting.. we are very, very happy for her!

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