гeѕсᴜe һeгo fгeed 6 dogs ɩoсked in a cage in the middle of a ѕtoгm, making everyone who saw them feel warm

aNorth Carolina faced heavy damage from Hurricane Florence in September 2018 . Once the hurricane made landfall, it was downgraded to a Category 2 hurricane, but it continued to pose enormous danger to people and animals who did not evacuate.

The hurricane became category 4 and had sustained winds of more than 200 km/h.

These types of natural disasters imply an enormous risk to the lives of hundreds of dogs and cats that need the help of people to be able to save themselves. An example of this was the heroic rescue carried out by volunteers in an area that was seriously affected by rain and flooding.

The dogs were abandoned in the town of Leland, southeast North Carolina.

The people on this property fled leaving six defenseless dogs locked in a cage and unable to escape in the face of the growing danger of stagnant water that was reaching increasingly dangerous levels . The volunteers spotted them just in time and decided to get them out of there. It was a matter of time before the water level rose and ended their lives.

When the volunteers arrived, the dogs were howling and begging for help .

Once they managed to open the gate that kept them locked up, the dogs quickly got out of there and were extremely relieved to be able to escape. The journalist Marco DiPaola shared what happened on his Twitter account, and called on people not to abandon their dogs at such a dangerous time.

“We managed to rescue them, but when we left the water was already so high that they would have drowned. TAKE YOUR PETS WITH YOU ”

Once they managed to get out of the stagnant water, the dogs seemed to celebrate that they were alive . The video has not stopped being shared and has become an impressive call to reflection on how much these innocent animals can suffer in the midst of such a dangerous situation.

The Florence phenomenon originated as a pressure drop off the African coast and became a hurricane upon reaching the Caribbean Sea.

Mayor Mitch Colvin spoke about the urgent need to evacuate the area , since despite the fact that the hurricane has downgraded, it will continue for several days in the form of a tropical storm.

“If you refuse to leave during this mandatory evacuation, then you should notify your next of kin because it is very, very likely that you will lose your life. The worst is yet to come ”.


We greatly appreciate the work of the rescuers who have managed to save these cute puppies just in time.

We invite you to share this video to raise awareness about the need to protect our pets at all times.

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