Manisha Sambhaji Raut’s touching tale of overcoming societal stigma and hypertrichosis with her baby boy.RITA

Manisha Sambhaji Raut’s life has been marked by the challenges of living with hypertrichosis, a rare genetic disorder often referred to as “Werewolf Syndrome.” This condition is characterized by excessive hair growth over the body, a visible difference that has subjected Manisha to teasing and ridicule throughout her life.

The Emotional Burden

The harsh reality of living with such a condition is reflected in Manisha’s concerns and fears about her son, who inherited hypertrichosis. The social stigma attached to visible differences can be deeply wounding, leading to feelings of helplessness and questioning one’s fate. The lack of a known cure for hypertrichosis adds to this emotional burden, making the journey all the more challenging.

A Mother’s Unwavering Love

Despite her initial distress upon learning that her son also has hypertrichosis, Manisha’s love for him remained unwavering. Her determination to care for him unconditionally and provide the same support and affection she received from her own mother highlights her incredible strength. Manisha’s story is a testament to the power of maternal love and resilience in the face of adversity.

Seeking Solutions and Coping Mechanisms

Manisha and her family’s proactive approach in seeking medical advice led them to find a practical solution: the use of a hair removal cream to manage the condition. This decision underscores their resilience and determination to cope with the challenges posed by hypertrichosis. It reflects their proactive stance in improving their quality of life and mitigating some of the difficulties associated with the condition.

Emphasizing Empathy and Understanding

Manisha’s story sheds light on the crucial need for empathy, understanding, and acceptance within communities. It calls for greater awareness and support for families dealing with rare genetic conditions or physical differences. The social prejudices faced by individuals with hypertrichosis underscore the importance of fostering inclusive communities that embrace diversity and provide support to those who need it.


Manisha Sambhaji Raut’s journey with hypertrichosis and her dedication to her son despite societal stigma is deeply inspiring. Her story emphasizes the need for empathy and acceptance in our society. By raising awareness about rare genetic conditions like hypertrichosis, we can promote a more inclusive and supportive environment for all individuals, regardless of their physical differences. Manisha’s resilience and unwavering love for her son remind us of the profound strength found within families navigating such challenges with grace and determination.

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