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A trailer for the Netflix series Sweet Tooth showed how different people responded to seeing a baby that resembled a hybrid of a hyma and an owl.If you’ve watched the series previously, you probably know that the mothers in that show weren’t satisfied with their hybrid children.

The series is based on a comic book with the same title narrating a post-apocalyptic fantasy and it was produced by Robert Downey Jr. and Susan Downey. The series tells the story of Gus, a young boy who is half-deer, half-human who was raised by his father in the woods to keep him safe from poachers. When his father suddenly dies from the illness that had caused the ‘apocalypse’, Gus goes on an adventure hoping to locate his mother and find answers about his identity.

Netflix conducted an experiment to see how people would respond to seeing an actual hybrid baby. The video shows a woman pushing a stroller with baby Oscar inside down a busy street. Hidden cameras captured various people approaching the baby and their reactions towards the little boy.

Many gasped and were shocked when they laid their eyes on Oscar, an animatronic human-owl baby, others stopped to take a closer look while others shook their heads and prayed.

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