How a wealthy Chinese benefactor inspired unending acts of generosity, saved stray dogs, and transformed lives

Since opening his shelter, he has lost most of his money, yet isn’t going to give up on his dogs.

In 2012, after his beloved pooch disappeared, 29-year-old Chinese entrepreneur Wang Yan gave up all of his money to build an animal rescue center. Wang used to be an owner of a steel empire, but the millions he had earned during his successful career were donated to save dogs after the man once visited a local dog slaughterhouse. Yan went there looking for his missing pet but what he saw really shocked him.

Having failed to find his pup, he instead saw many other dogs living in awful conditions and couldn’t shake those terrific scenes from his mind. Most of them were going to be butchered for meat, and the very idea of that massive brutal ????ing made him contemplate a rescue plot.

He racked his brains for about a week and eventually came up with the following plan. Yan spent $470,186 to buy that slaughterhouse and later he purchased an empty steel factory to transform it into a shelter. Giving home to 1,000 dogs at first, Wang ended up saving over 2,000 animals.

Though today the kind-hearted man is heading towards big debt, he doesn’t accept money donations, yet welcomes food, medicine, clothes and other supplies. A lot of dogs from his rescue center have been adopted, but he still has animals left to care about, and his ultimate goal is to find a loving family for every canine.

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