Famous Child Beauty Queens: From the Spotlight to Everyday Life, What Have They Experienced?

The life of little participants in beauty contests is far from a fairy tale. They go on exhausting diets, undergo cosmetic procedures, take energy drinks, and, in general, behave in ways that children should not. But what happens to them in adulthood?

Madison Berg

This girl continued her career and still takes part in beauty contests. She studies at a university and performs on the cheerleader team. Her most recent title was Miss Teen Mississippi 2017.h-a-n-h

Eden Wood

She started walking the runway at the age of two. She seemed like a happy girl doing what she loved. But it soon became clear that her mother gave her energy drinks and regularly beat her.h-a-n-h

The woman explained her behavior with a desire to make her daughter stress-resistant. After the scandal and court proceedings, the girl stopped performing in beauty contests. Now she is 14, and she lives like all other teenagers.

Isabella Barrett

This girl managed to earn a fortune. She became popular after the show “Toddlers and Tiaras”; at the age of 10 she released a collection of clothes and jewelry. She has earned over $2 million so far and judging by her pictures, she has no plans to stop.

Alana Thomson

For her charm and charm, the girl was nicknamed “Honey Boo Boo”; she was able to successfully compete with other girls thanks to her innate charm. One fine day, a television channel drew attention to the girl and offered her family participation in a reality show. Due to the scandal that broke out, it was immediately closed. Now Alana has forgotten about her modeling career, but she has not lost her ability to hold herself in front of a camera.

Myers MacKenzie

This girl took part in the “Toddlers and Tiaras” competition at the age of 5 years. She was remembered as the most emotional heroine of the project, because she threw tantrums out of the blue.h-a-n-h

She is now 13 years old. She abandoned bright makeup, stage dresses and other attributes of beauty contests long ago.

Mickey PaceDly

This girl’s mother made the controversial decision to dress her up as the main character from the movie Pretty Woman. The American public really didn’t like this image, so the little model’s career ended before it even began.h-a-n-h

Tarelyn Ashberger

This girl experienced the world of show business inside and out; from an early age she performed in makeup and with huge hairstyles. It would seem that such a life should have left an imprint on her, but this did not happen. Tarelin abandoned the podium and started playing sports: volleyball and swimming.h-a-n-h

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