Falling in love: The strange journey of Indonesian conjoined twins Al Putri Anugrah and Al Putri Dewi Ningsih

Dian’s movement now is more free. I have dreams, I want to be an artist, and if you have aspirations, I have too.

Hi, so this is it. If the older one’s name is removed, it’s Anugerah. If the younger one’s name is UPTD Wings, if the older one is called Putri, if there’s a call it Dewi, both are called Abi, their hobbies are cooking, learning, and coloring.

That’s their likes, they like coloring, they like coloring, they like drawing, they like painting, painting, painting, they like painting, mystical, Eyebrow Kenzou, intense, Okay, next, twice calling with her and Felix, Felix Ustadz Mahfudz.

When Kak’s condition was supposed to be growing, our twin daughters, like this, on the 9-month ultrasound, since 9 months of pregnancy, you already know, like, if the child’s condition is like this, even the doctor said: yes, well, the possibility is both, press the tea, Fate, big animal, Khairin, option, should of, can’t be separated.h-a-n-h

Their vital organs are intertwined inside, even though they can be separated.

Yes, most likely, there is no deviation, the medical side, doesn’t want it, there’s no police, can’t be separated.

So, Facs Tempoco, Sir, the house’s food, what is it, Grandma Ifadah, thank you very much, on the way back, now their movement is more free than before because their additional legs kept growing, but it doesn’t have any benefits.

Like that and limit the scope, the movement is now more free, Kiluan, favorite dish, usually fried chicken or earlier, or vegetables, fruits.

That’s it.h-a-n-h

Oh, because I just cook anything, I just eat it.

Because your cooking, GB Dharma, is tastier than other people’s cooking.

Yes, Mom, please.h-a-n-h

Hi, afraid.h-a-n-h

Is it still simple, Barcelona, taught independently, too everywhere, helped, then had to be independent.

Lah, Ahmad, so youstay there.h-a-n-h

Freestyle test ride, Piaggio, without any season, still weak, still weak, still weak, sometimes, if that’s the case, it won’t last long.

How far is the furthest distance, the most round-trip is 5n, if there are two more than three meters, if calculated five times Demak, five times Bali, it accepts fifteen meters.h-a-n-h

Lah, so far, the limit is just studying in front of the house, that’s good.

Hah, want to go to recite, have tried, recite, your recitation, Kayla hello, like this, I just want to be an artist.

And eh, if your aspiration is to be Diamond,h-a-n-h

The struggle is not a little bit, it takes time, energy, and costs, now it’s not, I’m very proud to see the growth of my bright future at least now I’m not sick, grateful, like when she was a kid, boo, boo, Hi Ho

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