Emotions are running high as the family is finally reunited with their long lost puppy

Drako got lost and walked many kilometers, being homeless and without hope, but after a long time, his family did not give up until they found him.



When a pet goes missing, it is always laborious and irritating; for responsible owners, it is typically a moment of pain, but you should never give up hope of seeing them again and hunting for them even in the most distant place. Drako is a puppy that had been living on the streets for months before being reunited with his family, who held him and caressed him in surprise and with tears in their eyes.

They are reunited with their lost puppy for almost half a year

Jenny Tafur JTR recorded the moment on video and posted it on Facebook, where it has received over 2 million views. According to the video, Drako was resting in the mud with a bed to get rid of the cold.



He had apparently been misplaced between Pamplona and San Juan de Miraflores, Peru, and had landed at Chorrillos. They had no idea how he got there or how he survived, but they did know that his relatives had looked for him for five months by air, sea, and land.

The dog was sleeping on the street, but someone was in charge of transporting him to a vital location where he would meet his family.



In the video, a man approaches him and is surprised, then begins to cry and loves and hugs him. The rest of the family rushes over to lavish him with affection, but Drako calmly waggled his tail from side to side, pleased with what was occurring.



When you watch the video, you get a sense of the gladness of both the canine and the people to see one other again. We’ve included the video so you can feel happy for them.


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