An Amazing Father’s Journey from a Fortuitous Meeting to Accepting “Seahorse Parenthood” (Video.)

In the US, a transgender man carried and gave birth to a healthy child, than he was shocked

From a very young age, 24-year-old Wylie Simpson realized that nature had made a mistake, giving him a female body.He experienced complexes about this, because he wanted to grow up a brutal bearded guy, and not a cute girl. Then it was decided to start taking testosterone. After a while, the vegetation on the body began to increase. Simpson then removed the woman’s breasts. The last touch was another, but the most difficult – it was necessary to increase the male sexual organ. However, this did not happen for an unusual reason.

When Wylie began waking up every morning feeling a severe bout of nausea, he and his partner Stephen Gaeth decided to undergo a medical examination, which revealed something they definitely did not expect – Wylie Simpson is 11 weeks pregnant. And earlier, when both partners repeatedly learned from doctors about whether it is possible for Wiley to become pregnant, all doctors unequivocally answered that this is impossible due to the fact that Wiley has been using testosterone for more than six years.

Pregnancy was for him a strong shock, since the transgender was not ready to become a parent, but he still safely endured, and then by means of a “cesarean section” gave birth to an absolutely healthy boy, who was named Rowan Fox.

Fathers intend to raise the baby “gender-neutral” until he himself can not choose which gender he wants to belong to. Wiley also noted that this is all – he no longer wants children, because he dreams of becoming a man as soon as possible.



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