After Successful Surgery, Baby Overcomes ‘Rabbit Lip’ Challenges, Bringing Overwhelming Joy to Mother’s Heart 

Original title: An American baby with “rabbit lip” underwent surgery at two weeks old. After the stitches were removed, the mother burst into tears.

“Harelip”, also called cleft lip, is a common congenital deformity of the oral and maxillofacial region, with an incidence rate of approximately 1:1000 worldwide.

The fetus develops normally in the mother’s womb, and only begins to gradually merge with each other to form a face after the fifth week. This moment is the key moment to determine whether the baby will be handsome and beautiful in the future.

Of course, if it cannot develop normally, deformities may occur, and the more common ones include cleft lip.

There is a little girl in the United States who was born with a cleft lip due to stunted innate development. It can be seen from the picture that the entire facial deformity is very serious. At that ᴛι̇ɱe, the first mouthful of milk was very difficult to eat, and it was basically impossible to live a good life.

The baby who didn’t have a “hare lip” still looked quite cute, but in order to survive and let her have a happy childhood, the operation was performed when the baby was two weeks old.

After the operation to sew up the mouth, she still needs to recover slowly. Looking at the beautiful baby, her beautiful eyes are very cute no matter how you look at them.

Although there are still some traces after the operation, the deformity is gone, and when she grows up, she will be a little fairy in the future.

She has undergone surgery only two weeks ago, and she is still so disappointed with her lovely baby. I believe she will be a strong child in the future.Return to Sohu to see more


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