A happy family welcomes four lovely children and unique naming in alphabetical order, an admirable home

Texas family experienced a nearly twofold increase in size when they welcomed quadruplets this summer. Gaby Hagler, 39, and Patrick Hagler, 50, discovered at their 12-week ultrasound that they were expecting not one but four babies.

“We thought we were looking at two views of the same baby and then possibly four, but the ultrasound tech was all excited and she’s counting ‘one, two, three, oh wait, no, no, wait, there’s four,’” Gaby Hagler, a real estate broker, recalled.h-a-n-h

“We’re like, ‘Four? Four what? Four limbs? Like what are we counting?’ And she’s like, ‘Well, look, look up there. What do you see?’ And there were four different babies doing completely different things. So it was very clear at that point that it was not multiple views of the same baby.”h-a-n-h

Adaм, Bennett, CoƄy, and Dane were born on June 22 at 34 weeks. The baby boys are fraternal quadruplets, and their older siblings, stepbrother Paxton, 12, stepsister Kalleigh, 13, and brother Sammy, 2, helped choose their names.

The Haglers found themselves in “complete shock” at the news, but after previously experiencing a miscarriage, they were excited to meet their rainbow babies.h-a-n-h

Despite only planning for one more baby, the Haglers agree that the quadruplets have transformed their lives for the better. They’ve adjusted to the financial changes and the demands of caring for four infants with the help of their older children, family, and friends.

The quadruplets have unique colors and animal themes assigned to them to help distinguish them: Adam’s theme revolves around blue and giraffes, Bennett’s is green and sloths, Coby is often dressed in white and pandas, while Dane’s theme centers on gray and elephants.

The parents are grateful for the love and support from family and friends, who have all rallied together to help them. The quadruplets’ older siblings have stepped up to give them an extra hand as they’ve all settled in at home in Katy, Texas.h-a-n-h

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