A closer bond: Witnessing my 8-year-old give birth to a baby sibling following the family’s heartbreaking experience of three miscarriages

Unlike Brook Davis, most 8-year-olds have a hard time understanding what childbirth is.

Brook was so excited about having a new little sister that she insisted on being included throughout the pregnancy. She was even involved in the birth of her little sister, and that warms our hearts.


Brook, although a mere child, had the opportunity to experience love and tragedy. This special little girl experienced a strange feeling when she was just three years old. It was during her mother, Kelsey Davis’s, first miscarriage five years ago.


Kelsey tells Love What Matters : “We surprised her by showing her an ultrasound image telling her that in about nine months she was going to be a big sister!” She adds: “I curled her hair, put some lipstick on her, a pretty dress, and we went to a big field of grass nearby where I took some photos of her holding a painting that said, “I’m going to be a big sister!


Brook was very excited and couldn’t wait to meet the newborn in the next few weeks. Unfortunately, this happy event never happened as Kelsey suffered a devastating miscarriage. The whole family was heartbroken.

“Brook was really sad,” Kelsey explained. “She cried so hard and didn’t understand why. Like his mother, I told him that God had decided to keep the baby with him and that the baby was too precious for the earth. It seemed to help him find comfort in grief. “

But a few years later, Kelsey gave birth to another baby girl.


However, in the meantime, she also suffered two more miscarriages. This time, she and her husband decided not to tell their daughter this bad news. They couldn’t imagine the anguish Brook would experience if she suffered another loss.

Kelsey herself now had to give up her dream of having a bigger family. But to her and her husband’s surprise, a miracle happened. They were expecting a new child!


This time the couple was lucky because the pregnancy went smoothly. As usual, the couple had kept the news a secret from Brook, always for fear of disappointing her. But it was time to finally tell him the good news.

At this announcement, the little girl was delighted. She then asked if she could join her mother during childbirth and see her little sister in the hospital, which her parents granted! Kelsey’s midwife took the young girl under her wing through the entire process and helped her prepare for what was to come during the entire procedure.


“Brook helped me so much!” says his mother. “She was massaging my feet, rubbing my head, we were dancing together to the baby’s heartbeat in the monitor… We were having fun and she was so helpful and sweet all the time.”


Brook was there to welcome his sister during her first moments.


She then explained that being there really made her feel closer to her little sister.


Kelsey, proud of her daughter, declared: “Brooke witnessed an astonishing and natural experience that she will never forget.”


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