Wolverine the Puppy’s Amazing Journey from Desperation to Recovery.MINA

One day, we were alerted about this puppy found wandering the streets, barely holding onto life. He was emaciated, his body covered in ulcers.

I can’t forget the desperate look in this puppy’s eyes. He didn’t reach this state overnight. He must have endured much suffering and rejection.

He was immediately attended to, and all necessary tests were conducted. He tested negative for Ehrlichia and other blood parasites, and underwent a blood transfusion, which lifted his spirits and rekindled his appetite.

He was extremely thin, mere skin and bones. He was exhausted and severely malnourished, his skin severely damaged by mange.

The infection had spread throughout his body, forming ulcers. His condition was quite critical, and his prognosis guarded. He is now on the path to receiving medication and multivitamins.

Five days later, Wolverine’s condition remained critical, but his prognosis no longer seemed as dire. His body had begun to react over these days. His body is receiving the support it needs to recover and function normally.

We provide this with healthy nutrition, vitamins, supplements, and love. Additionally, he is receiving topical antibiotics and wound healing.

After 10 days, everything indicated that he was recovering. Everything has progressed, including his treatment. Today, he got up on his own and took a few steps. He always gets up, and we have to encourage him to do so.

Yesterday, the baby urinated on his own, and a week later, he defecated. I jumped for joy because we were removing the feces by hand.

Today, his prognosis has changed from critical and poor to good and favorable. He is still very thin but has gained weight and it’s noticeable.

Every day is a new achievement; his appearance changes every 24 hours, and he shines brighter each time. We celebrate his first month with us. They were all moving but filled with positive emotions and happiness.

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