Unsettling information about giant stingrays that you should know (VIDEO) RITA

Giant manta rays, with their powerful and mysterious appearance, are one of the most curious and feared marine creatures. Not only because of their giant size, but they also have scary characteristics and behaviors. Below are terrifying facts about giant manta rays that you should know.

1. Huge Size
Giant freshwater stingray can grow to extremely impressive sizes. They can reach lengths of up to 5 meters and weigh up to 600 kg, making them one of the largest freshwater fish in the world. When you see a giant manta ray, you will be amazed at its massiveness.

2. Poison Thorn
One of the most striking and terrifying features of the giant stingray is the poisonous spine located on its tail. This spine can be up to 38 cm long and is extremely sharp. If stabbed by a giant stingray’s spine, the victim will suffer extreme pain and have a high risk of infection, which can even lead to death if not treated promptly.

3. Mysterious Habitat
Giant manta rays often live in deep and muddy freshwater areas, such as large rivers in Southeast Asia. They often hide at the bottom of rivers, making studying and observing them difficult. This mysterious habitat not only makes them scarier but also increases the surprise every time they appear.

4. Hunting Behavior
Giant manta rays are formidable predators. They use their large bodies to hide in the sand on the river bottom and suddenly attack their prey. Their diet includes small fish, shrimp, and occasionally larger animals if given the opportunity. This flexible and effective hunting ability makes them one of the most formidable predators on the river bottom.

5. Extreme Survival Ability
Giant manta rays are able to endure harsh environmental conditions. They can survive in polluted water and low oxygen levels, which shows their incredible endurance and adaptability. This also means they can survive and grow in places where many other fish species cannot.

6. Danger to Humans
Although giant manta rays do not usually attack humans, encounters with them can become dangerous. Fishermen and divers are most at risk of injury from stingray stings. There have been many reports of serious injuries, even deaths, due to unfortunate collisions with giant stingrays.

7. State of Conservation
Currently, giant manta rays are facing extinction due to habitat loss and overexploitation. The rivers they inhabit are being polluted and transformed by human activity, gradually reducing their numbers. This decline not only threatens giant manta rays but also disrupts the balance of the ecosystem.

8. Horror Legends
In the folklore of many countries, giant manta rays are depicted as terrifying river monsters. Stories of terrifying encounters with giant manta rays are often told, adding to the mystery and terror of these fish. These legends reflect not only the respect but also the fear that people have for them.

Giant manta rays are one of the most mysterious and terrifying sea creatures known to humans. With their giant size, poisonous spines, hunting habits, and ability to endure extremes, they are truly the rulers of their habitat. However, with the conservation situation increasingly alarming, humans need to take action to protect these magical creatures before they disappear from the natural world.

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