The secret is compassion: Resolve life’s challenges with compassion

Recognizing that every person is equal and deserving of respect is the foundation of equality.neɡаtіⱱe attitudes can lead to people being treated ᴜnfаігɩу or рooгɩу at times.

This type of treatment goes against the idea of quality and is known as discrimination that you know, i think.

He was born with two noses.

Did i say even has horns.

He was born much different than most people have ever seen, and now bullies call him monsters, predator and other terrifying names.


born with a certain disorder

Meet an eight-year-old boy who shocked everyone we had that you have a child born with a certain disorder.

How old is he?

He’s now 8 years old and what problem is he having?

His forehead has a problem

His forehead has a problem.

He has two different separate noises.

He was born like this.

were other children born this way?

He was born that way where the children born this way?

No, they were not born this way.

Could it not be a genetic mutation?

We asked.

He said no, both me and his father’s family.

No one has such a related problem or issue.

So it came naturally.

It brought itself up.

It’s not a family related problem.

By when you are pregnant, the doctors show you or tell you about this problem.

And she says, when i was pregnant i had a problem.

I had an absolute stomach.

It was so painful.

I thought it was not usual.

But even before i got pregnant i was taking birth control pills, so i did not even know i was pregnant.

And whenever i felt stomachache i thought it was normal without knowing i’m pregnant.

I even got some injection for birth control when i was pregnant and i think being pregnant while taking those birth control drugs might have affected my baby.

And that’s exactly what happened.

They told me being pregnant while taking those birth control drugs is not possible, but i was pregnant.

So they said maybe i took the wrong injection and it was not making sense.

Every misstep is an opportunity to learn and improve, but when the mistakes are made by doctors, lives can be compromised, even lost.

Among malpractices, claims about 30 percent are due to a diagnostic errors after producing a child.

And he was like this: what was your reaction?

We asked by then.

I was so tired.

Even pushing out was hard for me, so just seeing him come out made me happy.

I did not care about anything else.

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