I’m very sad because no one wished me a happy birthday all day, maybe they don’t remember my birthday

Happy 1st birthday to our precious little baby! Today, our entire family and friends are gathering to celebrate your milestone. It’s hard to believe that a whole year has passed since you came into our lives, and during this time, you have brought immense joy and endless inspiration to all of us.

On this special day, we want to send you the warmest wishes. Our baby has experienced many ups and downs throughout the past year, from those first moments of holding mommy’s hand, to taking those first steps, and the sweet laughter as you communicate with us in your adorable sounds.

Our baby is a constant reminder of the beauty and innocence in this world. Your smile brightens up our days, and your laughter fills our hearts with pure happiness. Watching you grow and learn has been the most incredible journey for all of us.

As you turn one, we hope that your life continues to be filled with love, laughter, and endless blessings. May each day bring new adventures, discoveries, and milestones. We are excited to witness every step of your journey and support you in all that you do.

Happy birthday, little one! You are deeply loved and cherished by everyone around you. May this day be the beginning of many amazing years ahead. Enjoy your special day, and know that we are always here to shower you with love and affection.

Once again, happy 1st birthday to our beloved baby!

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