Dogs in Slaughterhouses: Using Desperate Pleasure to Fight the Growing Dog Meat Consumption.RITA

The global coronavirus pandemic has presented an opportunity for us to reevaluate our relationship with the environment. Regrettably, some individuals still fail to recognize the significance of respecting the lives of all living creatures.

In nations like Cambodia and Vietnam, the consumption of dog and cat meat has deep historical roots, spanning many years. It is estimated that across Southeast Asia, nearly 10 million dogs meet their fate in the confines of meat markets.

What makes this situation even more concerning is the significant surge in these numbers amidst the pandemic crisis. One of the most disconcerting aspects is that certain healthcare professionals have advised people that consuming such meat could have health benefits in countering the coronavirus.

“People have been informed that dog meat is advantageous for health and can help fend off colds or viral diseases like COVID-19,” a vendor in Cambodia remarked.

Others contend that this kind of meat is more “natural” since dogs are not exposed to chemicals. However, a closer examination of these markets reveals the hazards they pose both to animals and the health of those who partake in this meat.

“People continue to consume substantial amounts of meat in these regions under the belief that it holds curative properties,” laments Michael Chour, founder of The Sound of Animals.

It is deplorable that amid such a fragile health crisis, the consumption of dog and cat meat is on the ascent. These animals endure abhorrent conditions, confined in unhygienic spaces with minimal medical attention.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has cautioned that a staggering 70% of emerging global pathogens responsible for diseases originate from animals.

These circumstances have all been correlated with outbreaks of ailments such as cholera, an increased risk of rabies, and the harrowing reality of dogs and cats meeting a painful demise. Many of the animals peddled in these markets are pilfered pets, torn away from their rightful owners.

Numerous animal rights organizations have united, calling upon the leaders of Cambodia and Vietnam to implement measures banning the sale of dog and cat meat. You can contribute to this cause by endorsing the petition.

In the Cambodian capital, there exists a disconcerting phenomenon: over 100 restaurants offering dog and cat meat through home delivery services.

In light of the global transformations underway, it is imperative that we take action and raise our voices in defense of these animals. They are in dire need of our assistance, and we must foster awareness to bring an end to these abhorrent markets for dog and cat meat. Share this information widely!

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