Celebrate the wonderful birthday of our adorable puppy together (VIDEO)

Wag is a Chinese millionaire who lost his dog a few years ago. He expended all his strength to save homeless dogs.

A Chinese millionaire named Wag Ya, who owns a steel company in the city of Chagchchu, Chipa, lost his dog in 2012 and has been searching for it without success.

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As a last resort, he visited a slaughterhouse; the horrors he witnessed there drove him to expend all his strength to save the dogs from these places.

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China has a large population of stray dogs that fortunately escape from places like this to be sold in the meat trade.

Wag wanted to honor his missing pet.

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Wag spoke with Sia News and said, “I tried to search everywhere, but it was in vain. Finally, someone let me in the slaughterhouse to try my luck there. >>> A Chinese millionaire spends his fortune saving dogs. Wag stayed at the slaughterhouse for a week, but he couldn’t find his lost dog.

Instead, he encountered horrific scenes that he couldn’t get out of his mind. The pain he felt for these dogs about to be sacrificed for their meat drove him to buy the slaughterhouse and establish a rescue center. He bought an abandoned steel factory and eventually built a shelter for stray dogs.

Wag, who had built a steel empire, constructed the animal rescue center in the city of Chaßgchu, Jilipi province, northeastern China, where he spent millions to save over 2,000 stray dogs from the slaughterhouse, according to The People’s Daily Online. In an interview with Metro, Wag explained that he had invested $400,000 in the slaughterhouse, and the shelter expenses came out of his own pocket.

“I don’t accept cash donations, I just hope kind-hearted people can donate supplies to help. >>> A map saves dogs. Since the shelter began operating, Wag has covered all expenses with his own money. He has incurred debts providing food and medical treatment for dogs, but he does it with great determination and love for animals. Most of the dogs in the rescue center have been adopted by loving families. Up to 10,000 dogs, including stolen dogs, are sacrificed each year in Chipa, in the Guangxi zhuag region, to commemorate the summer solstice during the Yuli Dog Meat Festival. Wang saves a dog

Wag’s work is truly inspiring. Fortunately, there are people like him who always seek to help the most vulnerable against all odds.

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