A crippled dog found abandoned in a sack is saved by a meek housewife. hanh

Many times a very humble person, with few opportunities in life, can be rich at heart. It has even been proven that, in most cases, those who have the least wealth are the ones who harbor the greatest feelings in their hearts, becoming an inspiration and example for the world.

On the contrary, others have a stone for a soul, to the point that they are capable of committing the worst injustices against fragile and defenseless beings , whose only sin is having given them all their love and fidelity. Just like what a docile with a special condition experienced, she was left to fend for herself in the worst way.

It’s really cruel and outrageous what they did to him.

Fortunately, a humble woman who works as a cleaner appeared in the path of this dog , who could not be indifferent and leave her aside , especially because the furry girl could not move her hind legs.

The name of the noble worker is Suelen Bernardes Lopes, who was greatly surprised when she saw a dog sadly abandoned on a street in Jardinópolis, Brazil . When she saw that the poor girl couldn’t move her entire body, she decided to rescue her.

The creature urgently begged for help.h-a-n-h

«On the street, she was not going to be safe. I thought about her well-being. “She wasn’t even going to be able to sleep, knowing that she would be crawling on the street, in the rain, hungry and cold,” Suelen said.

The dog was left in the middle of the street by a car around 4:50 pm in the afternoon. The passenger opened the door, put the animal in a bag on the street and left without even looking back. Perhaps so as not to burden her conscience with that cruel moment in which the dog was left desperate and crying, because of her family who she thought would never stop loving her.

One of the neighbors was the one who discovered that it was a canine.

The neighbor asked for help from the neighborhood security chief, who called a veterinary clinic to examine the dog, which they later named Neguinha.

After the call, the cleaning woman decided to take her new friend home , before even thinking about whether she could stay with her long-term.

«She was medicated and we didn’t know what to do, so I took her and took her, because I wasn’t going to leave her on the street. She is helpless. This is not done with any dog, especially in her situation,” states the woman.

The humble woman did not hesitate for a single second to take her even though she did not have the money to support her.


Because Suelen works all day outside the home, she is not able to adopt her as she cannot offer her the necessary care and attention.

However, not having passed him by and giving him a chance is a true gesture of love, which not just anyone does.h-a-n-h

«If I could pay all her expenses, I would stay with her. The person who wants to adopt her has to assume responsibility for her and I will commit to following up. Once a week, I will go to see if she is taking good care of herself. “I don’t want anyone else to hurt him again,” Suelen said.h-a-n-h

Unfortunately, it has not been possible to formally notify the Police of the events, because there is no information about the vehicle involved.

But, Neguinha could not imagine that soon his luck would change forever. Fortunately, because her went viral, one day Suelen received a visit from a wonderful independent rescuer and animal lover, Regina Maria da Silva.

She told Suelen that she would adopt Neguinha and take her to her shelter, where she has 200 other animals, most of them disabled.h-a-n-h

This is how Neguinha was renamed Frida and now enjoys all the love of her new human, and hundreds of canine angels who welcomed her like another sister. In this regard, Regina commented:h-a-n-h

“Animals are special. They are angels. There’s nothing wrong with them. They are pure, true and they return our affection with all the best they have, which is the pure love that human beings do not have.”

The best thing is that Frida is already undergoing medical treatment, and the veterinarians think that with patience and love, she will probably walk again. Isn’t it the happiest of endings?h-a-n-h

It is extremely unfortunate that vile acts like this continue to happen. Let’s help raise awareness. Thank you, Suelen and Regina, for everything you did to save this sweet creature from her sad fate!h-a-n-h

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