A fisherman caught this breathtaking moment while a flying fish was soaring in the air for up to 45 seconds (VIDEO) RITA

Can your fish fly for up to 45 seconds?Was it the water? Yeah! That’s true! Many of you may have already seen this, but I wanted to share it.

Mυcha geпte asks the question: “Do you want to have fish fυera from today?” The respυesta is yes and there are many species of fish that need to breathe air and crawl on land. This qυe I am about to share is mυy surpriпdeпte and unique eп sυ kind.

Have you seen flying fish that can spend 45 seconds in flight? If you do, this one will surprise you. These flying fish have wing-like fins that allow them to fly by gliding. It can fly about 160 feet and cover distances up to 1,300 feet. They are capable of traveling at 70 km/hour at a maximum height of 20 feet above the sea surface.

Once you know you are in danger, you use your flight skills to evade predators.

I hope to see this incredible creature someday!

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