A rare condition causes a 4-year-old boy in Bangladesh to age prematurely.RITA

In Bangladesh, a 4-year-old boy named Bayezid Hossain suffers from a rare genetic disorder called Progeria, which causes his body to age approximately eight times faster than normal. This condition results in severe physical symptoms, including swollen face, sunken eye sockets, sagging skin, and joint issues, making him appear like an elderly man despite his young age. Doctors predict that Bayezid might not live past 15 years old due to the disease’s rapid aging effects.

Bayezid’s condition has led to social ostracism, with people often shunning him due to his appearance. Comparisons have been made between Bayezid and the character from the film “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,” although unlike the fictional character, Bayezid’s condition does not reverse with time. Progeria, also known as Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome (HGPS), is exceedingly rare, with an estimated incidence of 1 in 18 million births globally.

Bayezid’s mother, Tripti Khatun, gave birth to him when she was 14 years old. She describes her son as intellectually advanced despite his physical challenges. Bayezid started walking at the age of three and had a full set of teeth by the age of three months. Tripti notes that while Bayezid’s physical development is abnormal, his cognitive abilities are on par with or even exceed those of his peers. He enjoys playing soccer, drawing, and has a talent for fixing broken toys, showcasing his remarkable intelligence and dexterity despite his condition.

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