Fed up with her dog’s incessant labeling, she brought attention to his inner beauty. hanh

It is unfortunate that some individuals use unconstructive labels to condemn others, because no one has the right to degrade others for their physical qualities, and this applies not only to people but also to others. Even animals are included.

All creatures, regardless of their differences, must be accepted for who they are. However, there are people who do not understand this and become obsessed with judging the appearance of the coat under specific conditions, even though they were not born that way.

Here is the story of Alan, a handsome one-year-old boxer and mixed martial artist who was born with a genetic condition that causes his nose to be crooked and tilted to the right when he closes his muzzle.h-a-n-h

Alan is a poodle who was saved by Johanna Handley, 41, from Godalming, England, after discovering him abandoned in Doha, Qatar.

“Puppies can say whatever they want, but Alan is our dog and we know he is lovely and really special,” adds Johanna.

Johana was tired of her pet dog being called ugly, so she had the idea of ​​creating an account on the social network to counteract the bad comments. Alan, and fortunately the results were spectacular.h-a-n-h

To make things more difficult, Johanna created the account Alan the Wonky Dog, which means “Alan the Wrong Dog,” to directly address people who criticize her pet.h-a-n-h

“I have received many negative comments about Alan’s appearance. “Some have promised me that they would send me money to operate on him and fix his face, but there is no way,” Johanna explained.

Alan has become one of the best-known furries on social media, with more than 141,000 followers and more than a million likes on his posts.

Johanna’s goal has been to show how wonderful her dog is on the inside despite his outward appearance. She encourages people to embrace and adopt rescued dogs with special needs, as they are creatures who deserve to enjoy a life full of love and care.

“I had him evaluated by a vet for surgery because I was worried about his future and possible respiratory problems, and the vet told me that he is absolutely healthy.” His nose and jaw would have to be broken and fixed. It would be unbearable agony for something simply beautiful. “There’s no use putting him through that,” Johana commented.

@alanthewonkydog The big Paw of Live event is HERE!!! Come meet Alan, Lexi, Joker, Wayne, Ryan, Dengosa and their humans ♬ love you baby – h-a-n-h

Johana has resisted the attacks on her furry friend with amazing bravery and affection. Her comments and messages have been quite complimentary since she opened her account.

“Everyone adored him,” Johana said.

Johana is relieved to have saved him. He is the missing member of her family.

Alan’s story is very moving; Let’s help his mother spread the word about adopting these strange puppies by sharing it.h-a-n-h

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